More Visibility "Online" = More Customers = More Sales
Our Digital Strategy Consulting brings more Money into your Bank Account
We live in the Digital Age
Nowadays in Business World everything happens "Online"
That's why you need a Professional Digital Strategy for your Business "Online"
Three Benefits from our Digital Strategy Consulting for your Business
Attract new Customers magically
Potential Customers want to do Business only with you because they know, like and trust you
Become the local Market Leader
Show proof of your local Expertise and become the Market Leader in your area
Reduce your Marketing Time
Reduce your Marketing Time per Customer and Sale in average up to
30 40 %
Attract new Customers magically
Potential Customers want to do Business only with you because they know, like and trust you
Become the local Market Leader
Show proof of your local Expertise and become the Market Leader in your area
Reduce your Marketing Time
Reduce your Marketing Time per Customer and Sale in average up to
30 40 %
How our Digital Strategy Consulting works
Three simple steps we do for your Business
It's all about Details.
We analyse your "Online" Situation.
We analyse your Product or Service, your Customer Behavior and your Customer Journey.
We give you a bigger Picture.
We develop a clear Online Marketing Playbook for your Business to take action "Online".
Together we implementing our Recommendations, close all existing Gaps and start completing your Business "Online".
Case Studies
Lee started posting on Social Media without a clear Plan, Strategies and Goals.
He wasn't really aware what he wanted to achieve with his time and effort which he put into his Social Media and entire Online Presence.
Lee's aim was to build up a stable, regular stream of new Customers in order to utilise the Company's capacity and steadily increase Monthly Sales.
We have sorted his Social Media and Online Presence accordingly to his Customer Journey.
We worked out how he becomes Visible within his local Target Group and developed an Online Marketing Plan together to achieve more "Online" Visibility.
Lee Robinson, Surveyor, Essex
How does Algorithms work "Online"?
Algorithms are Binary. 0 or 1
If you are Visible - you get it all. All Eyes on you!
If you do the wrong things you are Invisible.
This is how Algorithms work. Exponential.
"The Winner takes it all".
Algorithms collect your Data
First and foremost Algorithms collect all of your Data "Online".
Because Online Marketing is based on Data not on Feelings, Trends, etc.
Algorithms analyse your Content
With every Piece of Content you publish "Online" you feed the Algorithms about you, your Product or your Service.
Algorithms matches you with your Perfect Target Group
At one Point the Algorithms "know" you and then they start matching you with your perfect Target Group according to the Principle "The Winner takes it all".
What is your ideal Solution?
If you want to be Successful with your Business "Online" you need experienced Online Marketing Experts on your side.
Online Marketing is nothing "Part time" or for Amateurs.
Buy know–how
You must know exactly what you are doing.
Otherweise you won't have Success.
It will not work for you if you do the wrong things.
Know your Customer Journey
Nowadays only a Website isn't enough.
You need a bigger Picture.
A well crafted and thought-through Digital Strategy which is based on and include every step from A-Z on your Customer Journey.
Create suitable Content and feed the Algorithms
Not every Content is suitable for your Website or Social Media Platforms.
Create suitable Content and let the Algorithms do the MAGIC.
Be consistent with your daily Execution
Being consistant is crucial to become Visible "Online".
Execute your Online Marketing Plan and make a Daily habit out of it.
It will take time - in average 3-6 Months - for the Algorithms to learn and analyse your Content and match you with your Target Group.
Finally more Money in your Bank Account!
Once the Algorithms "knows" you and your Target Group, then you will get constantly new Customers, which leads to more Sales, which brings you more Money in your Bank Account.
Follow our simple 3–step Plan to get started
Introduction Call
We talk to you on the Phone, analyse your Situation and discuss Details.
Your time investment: 15 Minutes
Onboarding Call
After we have decided to work together, we discuss and decide the next Steps.
Your time investment: 60 Minutes
Got a question? We have the answer.
01 What is discussed at the Introduction Call?
What is discussed in detail is up to you.
We will talk to you about your current biggest Problem.
Our Experts will be happy to give you further insights into what you can expect from our Digital Strategy Consulting.
02 What is - Digital Strategy Consulting - for?
The idea behind - Digital Strategy Consulting - is simple. It's your shortcut to Local Market Leadership.
It's about saving you time while giving you solid, in-depth information and insights how you can build your Business "Online" and become a Local Market Leader in your field.
03 Why CLAMS? What makes you different from others?
First of all, we are Practitioners, not Theorists.
To date, we have over 27 years of Experience in Real Business Life.
In 1998, we entered the Real Estate Market in Germany and started selling Properties.
In 2016, we entered the Digital World and digitised our first Real Estate Company in Germany.
We have practical Experience in Real Estate and Online Marketing.
This sets us apart from all our Competitors.
04 Where is CLAMS Consulting based?
We were founded by Stefan in Frankfurt am Main in 2016 and are now based in London, United Kingdom.
05 How do you work with your Customers?
We are a Digital Consulting Company who offers Business and Digital Strategy Consulting and Online Marketing Services for Professionals.
We provide our Services digitally.
This enables our Customers to achieve results much faster and utilise all the advantages of the Digital World for themselves and their Company.
06 How long do you work with each Customer?
It depends on your starting Situation and your Goals.
We have various Coaching Programmes, Services and Packages.
As a Rule, we actively support our Customers for at least 3 to 12 Months.
07 What do your Consulting and Services cost?
It depends on your starting Situation and your Goals.
We have various Coaching Programmes, Services and Packages.
08 How can I pay?
You can pay your Invoice with a normal Bank Transfer in the following Currencies: AED, CHF, EUR, GBP, SGD.
We also accept the following Crypto Currencies: BTC, ETH, USDT.
We also accept Credit Card Payments via our Digital Payment Provider.
Our Offer to you
Our Capacities are limited. For this Reason, we cannot consider all Enquiries and cannot work with every Individual or Company.
Apply now for your free-of-charge Introduction Call to work with Stefan and his CLAMS Consulting Team.
Click on the Link below to our Online Calendar. There you can choose a date for your free-of-charge Initial Consultation and give us some Information about you in advance.

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